Alka Bhargava Singh

Alka Bhargava Singh

Compassion Beyond Duty: The Animal Welfare Mission of a Retired Chief Commissioner

In a world where compassion often seems overshadowed by self-interest, there are individuals whose actions shine as beacons of kindness and empathy. Today, we have the honour of delving into the life and work of one such remarkable person, a retired Chief Commissioner of Income Tax, Ms.Alka Bhargava Singh, who has dedicated a significant part of her working and post-retirement life to the welfare of stray animals. Her journey from a high-ranking government official to a passionate animal welfare advocate is both inspiring and heartwarming.

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This interview offers a glimpse into her extraordinary journey, the challenges she has faced, and the rewarding moments that keep her motivated. It is a testament to the profound impact that one individual can have through dedication and compassion. This is a story of resilience, empathy, and unwavering commitment to making the world a better place for the voiceless creatures that share our environment. Join us as we explore the inspiring story of a true champion for animal welfare.

Tell us a bit about yourself.

I am a retired Chief Commissioner of Income Tax. I joined the service in 1988 and for several years balanced my responsibilities at home and in the office while raising two children, a boy and a girl. I also pursued Kathak as a hobby. I have also been doing volunteer work for The Earth Saviours Foundation, an NGO that looks after mentally challenged and abandoned senior citizens.

When did you first develop an interest in animal welfare? Was there a specific event or experience that inspired you to take action for stray dogs?

In 2014, I had a near-death experience due to a hysterectomy gone wrong, which left me with a damaged bladder and a fistula. I had to undergo three surgeries within a year. Spending days in the ICU without food and water made me realize the importance of hunger and thirst. Back at home, I saw a few colony dogs scavenging for food, and my mission started then. My children and husband joined me in my mission.

“On many days, I feel happy knowing that I have saved a life, brought comfort, and lessened the pain of innocent, voiceless beings.”

Could you share some of the initiatives that you have undertaken for the welfare of stray dogs?

We rescued puppies that had been run over, including our first baby with a broken leg. I subsequently adopted another Indian street pup, my second baby. I continued feeding the dogs in the colonies where I stayed. Over time, I realized that saving puppies was not easy, so I started focusing on sterilization and vaccination as well. Soon my feeding efforts extended to the offices where I was posted, and sterilization and vaccination drives began there as well, continuing to this day.

Even after moving out of offices and colonies, my feeding drive and attending to the medical needs of the dogs continues and so do the sterilization and vaccination drives. In addition, I make sure that the dogs are looked after in summers and winters by providing them with water bowls and coats, bedding, and dog houses in winter.

COVID-19 was particularly tough. I had to buy food and feed over 200 dogs, covering over 10 kms. During this time, I adopted my third baby, a handicapped Indian street pup left on the road. In my effort to do my bit for these voiceless creatures, I have rescued several puppies, injured cats, cows, owls, crows, and pigeons.

What have been some of the most rewarding experiences or success stories from your work with stray animals?

At the end of every day, it brings me immense joy knowing that I have fed countless hungry beings. On many days, I feel happy knowing that I have saved a life, brought comfort, and lessened the pain of innocent, voiceless beings.

How do you engage with the community and encourage others to get involved in the cause of stray animals?

I have sensitized guards, cleaners, and drivers to provide food and water to animals and birds. Additionally, I engage with local communities through awareness drives and by collaborating with NGOs to spread the message of compassion towards stray animals.

What are some of the biggest obstacles you have encountered in your efforts to help stray dogs, and how have you addressed them?
The biggest obstacles are the insensitive attitudes of certain individuals. Many of them feel that stray dogs, cats, cows, and monkeys should be avoided because they believe these animals are harmful. They often beat the animals, drive them away, and fail to understand how integral they are to our environment.  

How do you handle criticism or resistance from those who may not support your initiatives?

I have learned to ignore some comments from animal haters, hoping that someday good sense will prevail. I coordinate with corporations, the Animal Welfare Board of India, the administration, and NGOs to resolve issues and continue my mission.

“This work has also taught me patience, resilience, and the importance of empathy, which have positively impacted my personal and professional life.”

How has working for the cause of stray animals impacted your personal and professional life?

I have made several friends who work in this field, and it has brought compassion and kindness into the lives of my kids and husband. This work has also taught me patience, resilience, and the importance of empathy, which have positively impacted my personal and professional life.

Can you share a memorable moment or a touching story that keeps you motivated?

I was traveling in Lucknow when I saw a dog running in obvious pain on a busy road. I shared the location with my group and asked for help from Lucknow volunteers. Within two hours, the dog was found and diagnosed with cancer. She was taken to a medical boarding, treated, and has now recovered and is leading a good life. Another touching story involves a puppy found in a garbage bag near my society. The puppy was rescued, sent to a medical boarding, and is now adopted by a loving family.  

What message would you like to share with our readers about the importance of compassion and action towards stray animals?

I urge everyone to show concern for stray animals. They have always been a part of our environment. Do not harm or harass people who feed and look after animals. Give a treat to a dog and see his gratitude. They are loyal and affectionate, and with a little kindness, we can make a significant difference in their lives.

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