Anjali Kumar

“Unveiling Anjali’s Musical Comeback: A Tale of Resilience and Passion”

This could be your story. As women, we often let our dreams slip away while we juggle various roles in our lives. Anjali’s journey of self-discovery and renewed passion for music in midlife is a testament to the boundless potential that exists within every individual, regardless of age. A classically trained singer and an accredited AIR artist in the 1970s and 80s, Anjali has successfully resumed her music career after a hiatus of over two decades at the age of 60+.
Today, with more than six music videos to her credit, Anjali has not only picked up where she left off but also reskilled herself to keep up with evolving music technology and digital presence. This includes training under current music maestros, learning recording, editing, and video-making technology to create an impressive online presence. Here is an exciting interview where we attempt to unravel her journey in her own words.

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Tell us a little bit about yourself.
I am a creatively inclined person with a passion for music and literature. Not surprisingly, I am a trained Indian Classical Music singer with Sangeet Prabhakar degree and a Masters in English Literature. I also have a deep appreciation for Hindi literature. As an accredited AIR (All India Radio) singer, I cherish beautiful memories from the early years of my musical journey, ranging from live performances to studio recordings. However, after marriage, it became challenging to maintain my musical pursuits as I juggled my time between family and my professional life as a corporate trainer. Nevertheless, I am thrilled to have the opportunity to rekindle my love for music.
Influenced by the songs of Kabir and Meera during my formative years, my initial compositions pay homage to them. I have released six heritage music tracks that are now available on all major music platforms, including YouTube and Spotify.

Could you share your journey of rediscovering yourself and pursuing your passion after turning 50? What inspired this transformative change in your life?
After enjoying an active professional music career for almost two decades, music faded into the background for nearly 30-35 years as I dedicated myself to family priorities. I transitioned into a corporate training career, achieving success there too. Yet, there was always a lingering desire to sing. My acquaintances would often request me to sing, knowing my background in music. However, my own confidence as a singer had dwindled over time. But when a reputed women’s club invited me to join their singing club and assist with choir presentations, I rediscovered my musical talent. To my surprise, I had not forgotten the craft; all I needed was practice and the courage to pick up the threads again.
Covid-19 was a boon. With little to do, I revisited my old music notes and started revising the songs taught to me by my various gurus and teachers. As I delved into these songs, I found them to be incredibly enriching. Gradually, I resumed my “riyaaz” (vocal practices), and with each passing day, I could feel my voice regaining its former strength. I also started singing for musical get-togethers and functions.

What were the challenges or obstacles you encountered during this transformation? How did you overcome them, and what kept you motivated to persevere?
For any performing artist, connecting with an audience is essential for sharing their art. During the Covid lockdown, I observed how younger artists effortlessly presented their craft online, effectively reaching wider audiences. I realized that to connect with a broader viewership, I needed to master some technological skills. So, I enrolled in courses related to audio-video technology, learning how to edit, mix, and master content. Through trial and error, I became proficient in managing my digital presence, gaining self-sufficiency in this regard.
Another challenge was feeling disconnected from the contemporary music scene, as I was overage for the mainstream platforms.

“At my age, I didn’t qualify for talent shows, reality programs, or playback singing for young actors. Despite these limitations, my determination remained unwavering, and I continued to hone my musical skills.”

Can you recall a specific moment or experience that stands out in your journey of pursuing your passion? How did this moment impact you?
One memorable moment was when I was asked to direct a choir for a reputed women’s club annual function. The choir comprised about 15-20 amateur singers with limited musical training. Directing this choir allowed me to pick up the threads of my lost musical career and provided the opportunity to refine my techniques. The success of this program boosted my confidence immensely, further motivating me to continue my musical pursuits.
I also noticed the changing landscape of music and media, with a resurgence of interest in old songs through cover versions. This prompted me to explore my collection of beautiful melodies, written by renowned lyricists and composed by exceptionally talented musicians. My husband, who has a penchant for intellectual pursuits, encouraged me to curate and publish these heritage compositions. Thanks to advanced audio-video technology today, it is possible for artists like me to curate, create, and publish music independently without much dependence on others.

Many individuals may feel apprehensive about making significant life changes later in life. What advice would you offer to women who are hesitant to pursue their passions after 50?
Set aside your concerns about age and embrace the opportunity to update your skills and follow your passions. Just start walking, and you will be led. 😊

“I realized that to connect with a broader viewership, I needed to master some technological skills. So, I enrolled in courses related to audio-video technology, learning how to edit, mix, and master content.”

How has your pursuit of your passion influenced your overall well-being and happiness? Have there been unexpected benefits or positive changes in your life as a result?
Oh yes. I have got my most gifted skill and identity back, in fact with more knowledge and more insight. The appreciation and acknowledgment from people are a bonus. I now possess an advantage over younger artists in terms of experience and wisdom, which has led to a rewarding exchange of learning between generations. My team and fellow musicians are enthusiastic about my productions and the content I bring forth. I’ve found a unique way to bridge the gap between my age group and the younger generation.

What role did your support system, including friends and family, play in your journey?
Surprisingly, everyone in my support system has been delighted to witness my revival of my latent potential. Both family and friends take pride in my discovery of this fulfilling vocation. They ensure that I have the uninterrupted time needed for my recordings, content creation, and final presentations, all of which require extensive research and effort. In the words of a young music enthusiast, “We want to hear your timeless music amidst the bombardment of new genres. We want to introduce our children to such heritage treasures.” 😊

Reflecting on your journey, what achievements are you most proud of, and what do you hope your story can inspire in other women who may be contemplating a similar path of self-discovery and passion pursuit after 50?
I take immense pride in being able to produce a series of heritage songs—rare and classic originals of the highest quality—and publish them digitally on all major platforms. These compositions were penned by humble yet incredibly talented musicians, some of whom have been forgotten over time. The fact that I can bring their compositions to the world, even after they’ve passed away, fills me with deep satisfaction.
My message to others contemplating a similar path is simple: Do it for the sake of self-actualization. It’s never too late to chase your passions. No opportunities have been missed. Begin your journey, and the rest will follow. Age is merely a number; set aside your current circumstances, shake things up, and move forward.

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